Shire Bylaws
Shire of the Ruins Law
Herein lay the rules under which the Shire of the Ruins is incorporated. These bylaws are superseded and governed in turn by Trimarian Kingdom Law and the SCA's official policies.
I. Introduction
II. The People of The Shire of the Ruins
III. Curia
IV. Officers
V. Awards
VI. Events
VII. Financial Policies
VIII. Grievance Procedure
IX. Amendments
I. Introduction
Whereas the Shire of the Ruins has been established by the good graces of the Kingdom of Trimaris, through its Crown and Officers, and by the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., the following bylaws are established by Charter for the lawful and efficient operation of the Shire of the Ruins, subject to those amendments that may from time to time be adopted according to the procedures herein contained.
These Bylaws shall be published on the Shire of the Ruins web site and shall be made available to any Resident of the Shire of the Ruins free of charge upon request.
II. The People of the Shire of the Ruins
The Shire of the Ruins recognizes three levels of individual participation and activity:
Residents of the Shire of the Ruins shall be defined as all persons who live in the area defined by the Society for Creative Anachronism (S.C.A) and maintain a mailing address within the borders established for the Shire of the Ruins by the S.C.A Board of Directors and the Kingdom of Trimaris (Trimaris).
Citizens of the Shire of the Ruins shall be defined as those Residents of the Shire of the Ruins who have a current, paid membership in the S.C.A and are not under any type of banishment from any Kingdom in the S.C.A.
Honorary Members of Shire of the Ruins shall be defined as those persons designated and recorded in writing by the Shire of the Ruins and Seneschal of the Shire of the Ruins, so long as such Honorary Membership has not been revoked and recorded in the same manner.
II. Curia
From time to time, but at least once per year, the Seneschal shall call a Shire Curia, which is an assembly of the Residents of the Shire of the Ruins to discuss specific or general matters pertaining to the operation and governance of the Shire of the Ruins.
The Seneschal shall announce the Curia, and shall publish at least two weeks before the Curia on the Internet and/or on the Shire of the Ruins Facebook Group and/or by such other means sufficient to give the Members two-weeks’ notice of the Curia, the time, location and agenda for the Curia.
The Seneschal shall preside over the Curia.
During the Curia input will be accepted by any Residents of the Shire of the Ruins populace in attendance physically, virtually via web meeting, or through text / phone on allowable changes to the Shire policy and governances as allowed by the Governing Documents of the SCA and Kingdom Law.
Suggested changes can move to a vote by the Shire Officers if a Shire Officer moves for a vote on the suggestion and it was seconded by another officer. Suggested changes can be approved or denied via a vote by the Shire Officers with a simple majority.
The Seneschal can table a suggestion with a second from another officer for further discussion or vote at a future Curia.
IV. Officers
The Shire of the Ruins shall maintain those officers required by the S.C.A and Trimaris. In the case of a vacancy in any office, the title, responsibility and duties of the office shall be assumed by the remaining Officers of the Shire of the Ruins. In the case of a vacancy in the office of Seneschal, the title, responsibility and duties shall be assumed by a remaining Greater Officer until a new Seneschal is in office.
The required Officers shall be defined by the law of the Kingdom of Trimaris. Greater officers, as defined by Kingdom law, must be citizens of the Shire of the Ruins. Each officer is responsible to comply with all requirements specified by Trimaris through Kingdom Law and the policies of their Kingdom counterparts. These include regular reporting requirements, a warranting process, and membership requirements. It is the responsibility of each officer to know and understand the SCA and Trimaris requirements for the office.
When an office is vacant it will be posted on the Shire web site for 30 days. During this time any citizens actively participating in the Shire interested in holding an office must submit a letter to the Kingdom Seneschal and the Seneschal of the Ruins. The Kingdom Seneschal will approve the candidates and at the end of posting period notify the Shire Seneschal of the approved candidates. The Shire of the Ruins Seneschal will then bring the names of those Citizens of the Shire desiring to hold office to a vote by the Citizens of the Shire of the Ruins. Decisions shall be determined by a simple majority vote. If any vote results in a tie, the decision shall be made at a later date by the Greater Shire Officers of the Shire of the Ruins.
Greater Shire Officers
Seneschal: The Seneschal is the administrative and executive officer of the Shire of the Ruins and is the legal representative recognized by the S.C.A., with duties and responsibilities itemized by the S.C.A and Trimaris. The Seneschal shall, organize and publish Shire of the Ruins events, business meetings, officers meetings, Curia, and any other meetings as may be appropriate. The Seneschal or a designate shall preside over all Shire of the Ruins business meetings, elections, officers meetings, and administrative processes to conduct the business of the Shire of the Ruins. The Seneschal is a designated signatory on the Shire of the Ruins bank account and is accountable for the preservation and proper discharge of the Shire of the Ruins inventory and assets.
Reports due quarterly: March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1
Exchequer: The Exchequer is the financial officer of the Shire of the Ruins with duties and responsibilities itemized by S.C.A. and Trimaris. The Exchequer shall maintain all records associated with the Shire of the Ruins inventories and bank accounts.
The Exchequer is a signatory on the Shire of the Ruins bank accounts.
They shall report to the Citizens of the Shire of the Ruins at least once each quarter at a regular business meeting:
the bank account balance
major fund balances
all expenditures of more than $500
major sources of income and expense
the reason for major changes in financial position
Complete financial report
The Exchequer, in consultation with the Seneschal, shall organize such audits as required or appropriate.
Reports due quarterly: April 30, July 31,October 31, January 31
Herald: The Herald is the officer responsible for maintaining and promoting heraldic activities within the Shire, including required reports from local events, quarterly reports, and name and armory submissions. The herald is also responsible for promoting heraldic education and training deputies. The Herald also submits other reports as required by the office of the Triskele Herald.
Reports due quarterly: February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1
Minister of Arts and Sciences: The Minister of Arts and Sciences is responsible for overseeing arts and sciences activities of the Shire of the Ruins, promoting participation in Trimaris arts and sciences events, and submitting quarterly reports to the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Science.
Reports are due: March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1.
Marshal: The Marshal is responsible to organize, conduct and supervise fighting activities, authorizations, safety education, and training. The Marshal will also arrange for marshals at Shire of the Ruins events and demonstrations where fighting takes place. They will report as required or appropriate to the Trimaris Earl Marshal. The Marshal is a warranted officer, subject to the approval and Requirements of the Trimaris Earl Marshal.
Reports due February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1.
Lesser Shire Officers
The following offices are not required by Kingdom law. In the Shire of the Ruins the following offices may be filled by active Shire Citizens or Honorary members of the Shire of the Ruins.
Each officer is responsible to comply with all requirements specified by Kingdom Law and the publications of their Kingdom counterparts, if such a counterpart exists. These often include regular reporting requirements, a warranting process, and membership requirements. It is the responsibility of each officer to know and understand the S.C.A and Trimaris requirements for the office.
Rapier Marshal: The Rapier Marshal will also arrange for marshals at Shire of the Ruins events and demonstrations where fighting takes place. They will report as required or appropriate to the Trimaris Earl Marshal. The Marshal is a warranted officer, subject to the approval and Requirements of the Trimaris Earl Marshal.
Chatelaine: The Chatelaine is responsible to welcome newcomers at Shire of the Ruins events and business meetings by providing or arranging for newcomer education, loaner garb, loaner feast gear and materials that will enhance a newcomer’s experience. The Chatelaine also supervises the efforts of the Shire of the Ruins to recruit new members through such demonstrations and advertising as may be approved by the Seneschal. If the Chatelaine office is vacant the responsibilities will fall to the Seneschal.
Due: March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1
Equestrian Marshal:
Shire Ranger: The Shire Ranger is responsible to organize, conduct and supervise target archery and thrown weapons activities in Shire of the Ruins, including participation in authorizations, safety education, training, arranging for marshals at Shire of the Ruins events or demonstrations where archery takes place, and reporting as required or appropriate to the Trimaris Captain of the Rangers. The Shire of the Ruins Ranger is a warranted officer, subject to the approval and requirements of the Trimaris Captain of the Rangers.
Chronicler: The Chronicler is responsible to publish and record the activities of the Shire of the Ruins in a print or electronic newsletter, subject to the approval of the Seneschal. Reports due March, June, September, and December.
Reports Due: March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1
Historian: The Historian will be responsible for the gathering of information pertinent to the activities and events of potential historical importance as may occur within the Shire of the Ruins. The Historian will maintain records and files of such information gathered, and will use this information in such a way as to encourage public interest in the Shire’s heritage. The Historian will report to the Seneschal.
Reports Due: March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1
Web Minister: The Web Minister is responsible to publish information of interest to the Members of the Shire of the Ruins on an Internet web site, including general information about Shire of the Ruins, contact information for the officers, information about and the location of Ruins events, announcements, and such other information as may be approved by the Seneschal.
Encourage members to complete the following documents and store completed forms in the google docs within the Shire of the Ruins Web Minister document folder.
Reports are due quarterly: March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1.
Chart Signet: The Chart Signet shall be responsible for the creation or production of scrolls for the Shire of the Ruins to give as commemoration of awards such as Shire of the Ruins Champion and other awards in recognition of good deeds. The Chart Signet may also provide scrolls to the Kingdom of Trimaris as needed and encourage Shire of the Ruins members to recommend fellow Shire members for kingdom level awards.
Constable: His/Her sole duty is to oversee the welfare and safety of the populace. See Kingdom Handbook. Communicate with Seneschal and Webminister with any pertinent information.
Shire Vacancy:
The Seneschal office is subject to the approval of the Greater Officers of the Shire of the Ruins, with final approval from the Kingdom seneschal. If no deputy exists, the opening will be posted on the official Shire Facebook page and the Shire of the Ruins website for 30 days. ‘
Those desiring to hold any office of the Shire of the Ruins or deputy officer position shall send letters of intent to the Shire seneschal email address within 30 days of the vacancy posting. The proposed candidates for desired offices shall be presented at the soonest available time for a vote by the current Shire officers.
If a vacancy occurs and no deputy is available to immediately fill the position, the office will be filled temporarily by one the following greater offices: Art:Sci, Exchequer, or Marshall.
Officers serve for two years. With the approval of the Greater Shire officers and Trimaris Kingdom Seneschal, officers may serve a second consecutive term. No officer may hold a single Greater Office for more than four consecutive years (2 terms). An officer that has held the office for four years may hold the same office again, but only after at least two years have passed.
The Seneschal must also have the approval of the Citizens of the Shire of the Ruins to serve a second consecutive term. Citizens of the Shire of the Ruins desiring to post for the position of Seneschal must have held some prior office within the SCA.
Any two Citizens of the Shire of the Ruins may petition the Greater Officers for removal of an officer for cause, such as violation of mundane law, disqualification due to failure to maintain membership or good standing, failure to carry out the duties of office, or malfeasance. Such petition shall be resolved at the discretion of the Greater Officers in a manner appropriate to the seriousness of the petition and in accordance with Kingdom Law.
An officer may resign or retire early upon written notification to the Seneschal; in the case of a Seneschal, notification must be made to the other Greater Officers.
The Greater Shire Officers make appoints and confirm officers other than the Seneschal's office and may poll the Members of the Shire of the Ruins at their discretion for guidance, but are not bound by the results of such votes.
All officers serve at the pleasure of the Shire of the Ruins Greater Officers. Officers other than the Seneschal may be removed by written notice of the Greater Officers and acknowledged by the Seneschal with or without cause. The Seneschal may be removed by written notice of the Greater Officers after consultation with the King and Queen of Trimaris and Kingdom Seneschal and acknowledged by the Shire of the Ruins Exchequer with or without cause. Greater Offices left vacant due to such an action must be filled using the processes described in these bylaws within thirty days.
All Great Shire Officers must affirm their willingness to serve the Shire of the Ruins faithfully upon appointment to office.
V. Awards
The Shire of the Ruins shall host the Champion of the Ruins Tournament once a year. Two Awards will be awarded at the conclusion of the event decided by the Heavy Weapons Marshall, with consultation with any Kingdom Royalty present at the event and the Seneschal of the Shire of the Ruins.
Champion of the Ruins is awarded to the winner of the tournament. A scroll will be given to the winner and the Champion and immediate family are also awarded non voting honorary status in the Shire of the Ruins for life.
Chivalry Award is awarded to someone who has participated in the tournament in any way and has exemplified outstanding Chivalry on or off the field.
It is the responsibility of all members of the populous of The Shire of the Ruins to submit recommendations to the Kingdom of Trimaris for Members with in the Shire who are worthy of an award.
VI. Events
The Shire of the Ruins shall encourage its Members to participate in other Trimaris and S.C.A events as they are able. Members are encouraged to assist Trimaris in the hosting of kingdom events, and shall not be prohibited from assisting any recognized S.C.A group in the hosting of a recognized S.C.A event.
Members are encouraged to assist in the Champion of the Ruins Tournament.
Members are encouraged to assist when the Shire of the Ruins volunteers to help baronies with baronial events.
The Shire of the Ruins will, upon the decision of the Greater Shire Officers, host events. All members of the Shire of the Ruins will be expected to assist in the running of the event. The Seneschal shall announce a bid period of at least four months prior to the scheduled event. Any Citizen of the Shire of the Ruins may submit a bid to autocrat or steward the event, using standard forms provided by the Kingdom of Trimaris. The bid will include the names of all key staff members, possible themes or components of the event, the plan for carrying out the event, and a commitment to properly publish and advertise the event. Proposed staff other than the autocrat may be Members of the Shire of the Ruins. The Seneschal shall set the closing date for the submission of bids, giving sufficient notice and allowing time for proper advertising.
The Seneschal shall receive all bids. Bids shall be considered by the Members of the Shire of the Ruins at the next opportunity. Once the bid is approved by the Shire, the autocrat will submit the bid to the Kingdom of Trimaris for approval. If the bid is accepted by the Kingdom of Trimaris, then the autocrat, is responsible for overseeing that the event is published in print or electronically and is posted on the Kingdom Calendar.
The Shire of the Ruins shall also conduct regular business meetings at least once per quarter. The Seneschal shall schedule officer's meetings at a minimum of once per year.
VII. Financial Policies
All funds shall be collected, maintained and reimbursed subject to mundane law, S.C.A policies, Trimaris Kingdom Law, and these financial policies.
The Shire of the Ruins Financial Committee
The Shire of the Ruin’s Financial Committee: will be composed of a minimum of the following: the Seneschal, the Exchequer and at least one other Greater officer. (Herald, Marshall, Chatelaine. )
Financial Committee may also consist of any Greater Officers present at a Financial Committee meeting.
If the Financial Committee as designated above contains an even number of votes, an additional citizen shall be added to the Committee, as chosen by a three-fourths majority vote of the balance of the Financial Committee.
The Shire of the Ruins Financial Committee will meet at least twice a year and/or as needed by request of the Seneschal or Exchequer.
The Shire of the Ruins must have a copy of their branch financial policy on file with the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer. Any changes to branch financial policy should be forwarded to the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer within 30 days.
The Shire of the Ruins Financial Committee must approve the Shire of the Ruins financial policy. Financial Committee meetings at which the Shire of the Ruins financial policies are approved must be open to all members of the Shire.
Shire of the Ruins Financial Policy
All funds received and amounts paid out by the Shire of the Ruins shall be recorded by the Exchequer with appropriate written records, including receipts, copies of checks, invoices, bills, signed reports and such audit-able documents as are appropriate to the nature of the income or expense items. The Exchequer shall promulgate forms and methods to assure a proper accounting of all the Shire of the Ruins funds.
No Shire of the Ruins funds may be spent in a manner that directly benefits the interest of any officer or any Member of the Shire of the Ruins. This shall not be construed to prohibit the fair purchase of items from Members if approved under these financial policies.
The Shire must maintain a checking account with the Seneschal, Exchequer and at least one additional member of the Shire as signatory.
All checks must be signed by two of the required three people on the Shire bank account.
A check may not be written to one of the two signers of the check.
All expenditures must be approved at the appropriate level.
The Exchequer shall prepare an annual financial report and budget which shall be approved by the Shire of the Ruins Seneschal, and presented to the Citizens of the Shire of the Ruins for ratification.
Budgeted expenses may be paid by the Exchequer to reimburse the Member upon presentation of proper proof of the expense, such as receipts, cancelled checks or other suitable documentation.
Small and unbudgeted expenses, up to $100, may be approved by at least both the Seneschal and the Exchequer.
Unbudgeted expenses of the Shire of the Ruins Art / Sci officer or other designated teacher for materials to teach Shire citizens may be reimbursed from the Shire’s account for an amount of no more than $10 per person.
Unbudgeted expenses up to $200 must be approved by at least the Seneschal, Exchequer, and one other Greater Officer of the Shire of the Ruins, and shall be reported to the Members at the next scheduled business meeting.
Expenses greater than $200 must be approved by a vote of the citizens of the Shire of the Ruins.
Yearly budgeted expenses shall include: Post Office Box, stamps, any needed NCR forms.
VIII. Grievance Procedure
All Grievances will be handled in accordance with Kingdom of Trimaris Law.
Members of the Shire of the Ruins are highly encouraged to settle any differences among themselves. If there are questions regarding the grievance procedure, please contact the local Seneschal.
IX. Amendments
A Bylaw committee shall be appointed by the Greater Shire Officers of the Shire of the Ruins. Bylaws may be changed every three years or when Kingdom law is updated to ensure compliance with Kingdom law. These Bylaws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the Citizens in any regular business meeting of the Shire of the Ruins or at the annual Curia, provided a sufficient public notice of the meeting and the written text of the proposed change was made at least 30 days before the business meeting.
If you have any concerns or questions or would love to give feedback on the above proposed changes please fill out of the form below. This information is maintained in a spreadsheet that is accessible by the Shire of the Ruins Officers.