
The Shire Chatelaine is an officer who acts as a kind of liaison between the S.C.A and the modern world. They help introduce new participants into the S.C.A by not only introducing them to experienced members, but also by teaching them about S.C.A and Kingdom traditions, customs and rules, and helping new participants fit in. Chatelaines teach both formal and informal classes for new participants and have a wealth of resources that they make available, such as websites, pamphlets, handouts and S.C.A publications. The Gold Key Deputy has clothing and equipment available for loan.

Duchess Cerric Eld Vegandi, KSCA

Mundane: Cherish Erin Thomas


One of the duties of the chatelaine office is to run demonstrations. A demonstration, or “Demo”, is an organized presentation of information on medieval topics, SCA activities or both, to the public. A demo can be an educational effort designed to teach the public about the middle ages, a display of the SCA’s activities designed to recruit new membership, or both.